Danny MacAskill’s Cascadia will surely give parkour enthusiasts a run for their money. This video is cinched to give you chills as you will see MacAskill conquer dangerous lines and ledges across the rooftops of Gran Canaria. This video actually stirred up the netizens in the blogosphere.

Here are some of what the fans said about this death-defying Go Pro video:

New World Luffy: 0_0 What the heck did I just watch! This guy’s is AWESOME!

Matt Anderson 1 – This guy has issues. No one could be that fearless. Just standing on some of those ledges I would have shit my pants.

ShadowSkillz46 – This guy has massive giant diamond balls.

jimmy barton – Parkour on a bike! Insane! 😀

jim crow – Makes my balls ache just watching it.